Cara Mia Valentino Wolff
Born to be PsychicI was a student at a Waldorf School from K-8th grade. BFA Fine Arts Graphic Design from West Chester University (its near Philadelphia PA). Reiki Level II from A.R.E. Edgard Cayce Research and Enlightenment Center through Para Study. Certificate in Mediumship with James Van Praagh producer of Ghost Whisperer. Intuition with Elizabeth Harper at the Omega Institute. I took a class with Barbara Mark who wrote Angelspeake before she unfortunately passed away. She told me in a private reading that I was so difficult to understand she had to get back to me and consult with her angels. Then she wrote me a lovely long letter saying I was such a powerful psychic I could pick up energy from Africa. I also was encouraged to study shamanism by a shaman at the Omega Institute who told me I had a gift. So, I took many classes in journeying & studied on my own. I studied Reiki at the A.R.E. Para Study and studied on my own with great success! I've read at least 300 books on metaphysical techniques. These teachers were right to encourage me to work on my abilities because I have had great success! I excel as a psychic & look forward to doing everything that I can to help make your dreams come true!
I've worked with Missing & Exploited Children through the FBI since 2009 helping many kidnapped children to finally come home. Some children it took us years to find. We've had great success! Continually more as time goes on. I have also worked with the United States Marine Corp and other government organizations. My father is a Marine and even though I wasn’t raised by him, all of these brave people’s actions always gave me motivation. I discovered I was kidnapped at birth from him & its a long story so I'll save that for another day. Never give up is a true statement no matter how hard life seems to be. They all know this just like I do. Don’t give up! I've tried my best to always help someone be they animals or people who come to me for help. This can be something as simple as explaining Reiki & encouraging anyone with pain to look into any alternative medicine as another method of healing. Another time I helped a panther in India who seems lost, hungry, and alone in a dump just needing a better home. I can't seem to stop myself from helping people. It's just who I am. My Dreams for anyone who comes to me for information. 1. Find true love for people 2. Remove people’s phobias 3. Remove people’s addictions 4. Remove people’s physical pain 5. Help them find success in their professions. 6, Help you make all your dreams come true! 7.Other for anything I forgot. I am human too! I wish you all the luck in the world! Just a little bit of advice: Try your best to think positively even if life just doesn't seem that great. |